001         package com.croftsoft.apps.ads;
003         import java.applet.Applet;
004         import java.awt.*;
005         import java.io.*;
006         import java.net.*;
007         import java.util.*;
009         /*********************************************************************
010         * Rotating ad banner canvas.
011         *
012         * Allows rotating ad banners to be integrated into both Java applets
013         * and applications.
014         *
015         * @version
016         *   1999-03-14
017         * @author
018         *   <A HREF="http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~croft/">David W. Croft</A>
019         *********************************************************************/
021         public final class  AdCanvas extends Canvas implements Runnable {
022         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
023         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
025         /**
026         *
027         * Modify to redirect control of what ads are displayed.
028         *
029         * Example:  "/mydata/ads.data"
030         *
031         * The link is relative to the CodeBase although this may be modified
032         * as well.
033         *
034         */
035         private static final String    ADS_DATA
036           = "http://www.orbs.com/advertising/data/Ads.data";
038         /**
039         *
040         * How long each image is displayed, in milliseconds.
041         *
042         */
043         private static final long      AIR_TIME = 15000;
045         private static       Random    random = new Random ( );
046         private static       boolean   data_loaded = false;
047         private static       Vector    imageURL_StringVector = new Vector ( );
048         private static       Vector    site_URL_StringVector = new Vector ( );
049         private              Graphics  g;
050         private              Dimension size;
051         private              Image     offscreenImage;
052         private              Graphics  offscreenGraphics;
053         private              Thread    thread;
054         private              int       index;
055         private              Applet    applet;
057         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
058         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
060         public  AdCanvas ( Applet  applet ) {
061         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
062           this.applet = applet;
063         }
065         public void  start ( ) {
066         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
067           g = getGraphics ( );
068           size = size ( );
069           offscreenImage = createImage ( size.width, size.height );
070           offscreenGraphics = offscreenImage.getGraphics ( );
071           if ( data_load ( applet ) ) ( thread = new Thread ( this ) ).start ( );
072         }
074         private synchronized static boolean  data_load ( Applet  applet ) {
075         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
076           if ( data_loaded ) return true;
077           try {
078             URL  dataURL = new URL ( applet.getCodeBase ( ), ADS_DATA );
079             InputStream  conn = dataURL.openStream ( );
080             DataInputStream  data = new DataInputStream ( conn );
081             while ( true ) {
082               String  line = data.readLine ( );
083               if ( line == null ) break;
084               imageURL_StringVector.addElement ( line );
085               site_URL_StringVector.addElement ( data.readLine ( ) );
086               if ( data.readLine ( ) == null ) break;
087             }
088           }
089           catch ( Exception  e ) {
090             e.printStackTrace ( );
091             applet.showStatus ( e.getMessage ( ) );
092             return false;
093           }
094           data_loaded = true;
095           return true;
096         }
098         public void  run ( ) {
099         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
100           int  count = imageURL_StringVector.size ( );
101           while ( true ) {
102             int [ ]  random_order = random_order_list ( count );
103             for ( int  i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
104               index = random_order [ i ];
105               try {
106                 Image  image = applet.getImage ( new URL (
107                   ( String ) imageURL_StringVector.elementAt ( index ) ) );
108                 if ( prepareImage ( image, size.width, size.height, this ) ) {
109                   offscreenGraphics.drawImage (
110                     image, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, this );
111                   paint ( g );
112                 }
113               } catch ( Exception  e ) {
114                 e.printStackTrace ( );
115                 applet.showStatus ( e.getMessage ( ) );
116               }
117               try { thread.sleep ( AIR_TIME ); }
118               catch ( InterruptedException  e ) { }
119             }
120           }
121         }
123         public boolean  imageUpdate (
124           Image  image, int  flags, int  x, int  y, int  w, int  h ) {
125         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
126           if ( flags == 32 ) {
127             offscreenGraphics.drawImage (
128               image, 0, 0, size.width, size.height, this );
129             paint ( g );
130           }
131           return super.imageUpdate ( image, flags, x, y, w, h );
132         }
134         public boolean  mouseMove ( Event evt, int x, int y ) {
135         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
136           if ( site_URL_StringVector == null ) return true;
137           if ( site_URL_StringVector.size ( ) <= index ) return true;
138           applet.showStatus (
139             ( String ) site_URL_StringVector.elementAt ( index ) );
140           return true;
141         }
143         public boolean  mouseUp ( Event  evt, int  x, int  y ) {
144         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
145           if ( site_URL_StringVector == null ) return true;
146           if ( site_URL_StringVector.size ( ) <= index ) return true;
147           try {
148             applet.getAppletContext ( ).showDocument ( new URL (
149               ( String ) site_URL_StringVector.elementAt ( index ) ) );
150           } catch ( MalformedURLException  e ) {
151             e.printStackTrace ( );
152             applet.showStatus ( e.getMessage ( ) );
153           }
154           return true;
155         }
157         public void  paint ( Graphics  graphics ) {
158         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
159           if ( offscreenImage == null ) return;
160           graphics.drawImage ( offscreenImage, 0, 0, this );
161         }
163         public void  stop ( ) {
164         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
165           if ( thread != null ) {
166             thread.stop ( );
167             thread = null;
168           }
169         }
171         public void  update ( Graphics  graphics ) {
172         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
173           paint ( graphics );
174         }
176         public void  repaint ( ) {
177         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
178           paint ( g );
179         }
181         public static int [ ]  random_order_list ( int  count ) {
182         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
183           Vector  vector = new Vector ( count );
184           for ( int  i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
185             vector.addElement ( new Integer ( i ) );
186           }
187           int [ ]  random_order = new int [ count ];
188           for ( int  i = 0; i < count; i++ ) {
189             Integer  lucky = ( Integer ) vector.elementAt (
190               ( int ) roll ( 1, count - i, -1 ) );
191             vector.removeElement ( lucky );
192             random_order [ i ] = lucky.intValue ( );
193           }
194           return random_order;
195         }
197         public static long roll (
198           long multiplier,
199           long base,
200           long offset ) {
201         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
202           long temp = 0;
203         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204           for ( long index_roll = 0; index_roll < multiplier; index_roll++ ) {
205             temp += 1 + Math.round (
206               ( double ) ( base - 1 ) * random.nextDouble ( ) );
207           }
208           return temp + offset;
209         }
211         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
212         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
213         }