001         package com.croftsoft.apps.src;
003         import java.io.DataInputStream;
004         import java.io.File;
005         import java.io.FileInputStream;
006         import java.io.FileOutputStream;
007         import java.io.PrintStream;
008         import java.util.StringTokenizer;
010         /*********************************************************************
011         * <P>
012         * This java application searches through all of the *.java files
013         * in the current directory and counts the number of lines.
014         * Ignores blank lines.
015         * <P>
016         * @version
017         *   1997-01-03
018         * @author
019         *   <A HREF="http://www.alumni.caltech.edu/~croft">David W. Croft</A>
020         *********************************************************************/
022         public class  LineCount {
023         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
024         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
026         public static void  main ( String [ ]  args ) {
027         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
028    //       if ( args.length != 2 ) {
029    //         System.out.println ( "java LineCount" );
030    //         return;
031    //       }
032           String  path = ".";
033           File  dir = new File ( path );
034           String [ ]  file_list = dir.list ( );
035           long  lineCount = 0;
036           for ( int  i = 0; i < file_list.length; i++ ) {
037             File  file = new File ( dir, file_list [ i ] );
038             if ( !file.isFile ( ) ) continue;
039             StringTokenizer  tokens
040               = new StringTokenizer ( file_list [ i ], "." );
041             if ( tokens.countTokens ( ) != 2 ) continue;
042             String  filename = tokens.nextToken ( );
043             String  extension = tokens.nextToken ( );
044             if ( !extension.equals ( "java" ) ) continue;
045             System.out.println ( file_list [ i ] );
046             FileInputStream  fileInputStream;
047             DataInputStream  dataInputStream;
048             String  line;
049             try {
050               fileInputStream = new FileInputStream ( file );
051               dataInputStream = new DataInputStream ( fileInputStream );
052               while ( ( line = dataInputStream.readLine ( ) ) != null ) {
053                 if ( line.trim ( ).length ( ) > 0 ) {
054                   ++lineCount;
055                 }
056               }
057             } catch ( Exception  e ) { continue; }
058    System.err.println ( lineCount );
059    /*
060             tokens = new StringTokenizer ( line );
061             if ( tokens.countTokens ( ) != 2 ) continue;
062             String  tokenStr = tokens.nextToken ( );
063             if ( !tokenStr.equals ( "package" ) ) continue;
064             int  index = line.lastIndexOf ( args [ 0 ] );
065             System.out.println ( "" + index );
066             if ( index < 0 ) continue;
067             String new_line = line.substring ( 0, index )
068               + args [ 1 ] + line.substring ( index + args [ 0 ].length ( ) );
069             FileOutputStream  fileOutputStream;
070             PrintStream  printStream;
071             try {
072               fileOutputStream
073                 = new FileOutputStream ( file_list [ i ] + ".new" );
074               printStream = new PrintStream ( fileOutputStream );
075             } catch ( Exception e ) { continue; }
076             line = new_line;
077             try {
078               do {
079                 printStream.println ( line );
080                 line = dataInputStream.readLine ( );
081               } while ( line != null );
082             }
083             catch ( Exception e ) { }
084             printStream.close ( );
085    */
086           }
087         }
089         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
090         //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
091         }