Package com.croftsoft.core.util.state

State update broadcast using Remote Method Invocation (RMI).


Interface Summary
State The state of an object may be communicated by a State object.
StateListener An interface for listeners of object State updates.
StateListenerRemote An interface for listeners of object State updates.
StateMulticaster An interface for objects that mulicast State updates.
StateMulticasterRemote An interface for remote objects that mulicast State updates.

Class Summary
QueuedStateMulticaster Broadcasts the latest object state changes to StateListeners using Queues and QueuePullers for buffering.
StateLib Static methods to support concrete implementations of the State interface.
StateListenerAmbassador An ambassador proxy for StateListenerRemote objects.
StateListenerConsumer Adapts the StateListener interface to the Consumer interface.
StateListenerProxy An adapter for StateListeners of remote States.
StateMulticasterAmbassador An ambassador proxy for StateMulticasterRemote objects.
StateMulticasterProxy An adapter for StateMulticasters of remote States.

Package com.croftsoft.core.util.state Description

State update broadcast using Remote Method Invocation (RMI).

CroftSoft Javadoc

CroftSoft Core Javadoc (2008-09-28 20:58:02)