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Using the rust-webpack-template


David Wallace Croft

Update 2023-01-02:
The Rust-webpack Project Setup tutorial checklist is an updated alternative to using the rust-webpack-template.


Project Setup

This section is based on using version 0.2.0 of the rust-webpack-template.

  1. Install git
  2. Install Rust
    • If you previously installed Rust, you can update it:
    rustup update
  3. Install Visual Studio Code (VS Code)
  4. Install the following VS Code extensions
  5. Install node.js
    • This will also install Node Package Manager (npm)
  6. Initialize your project directory using the rust-webpack-template: npm init rust-webpack project-name cd project-name/ code .
  7. Initialize your local git repository and make your first commit
    • This initial commit serves as a snapshot of the files prior to manual changes
    git init git add . git commit -m "npm init rust-webpack"
  8. Launch the webpack development server
    • The first time you run this command, it might take a few minutes to start
    npm start
    • You can stop the webpack development server using Control-C
  9. Set the Node.js options environment variable
    • This is only necessary if the command in the previous step failed with an error
    • For details, see this Stack Overflow question
    export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm start
    • Using cross-env is an alternative to setting the environment variable at the command line
    npm i -D cross-env
    • Update your npm run script in package.json to use cross-env
    { [...] "scripts": { [...] "start": "rimraf dist pkg && cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider webpack-dev-server --open -d", [...] }, [...] }
    • Stop the webpack development server using Control-C
    • Commit your changes to package.json
    git add . git commit -m "node.js options environment variable"
  10. Verify that "Hello world!" is showing in your browser developer console
    • In some browsers, you can press the F12 key to open the browser developer console
  11. Update the properties in the package section of your Cargo manifest file Cargo.toml [package] name = "project-name" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["First Middle Last <>"] # Use the categories from # categories = ["category"] description = "project description" edition = "2021" homepage = "" keywords = ["keyword"] # Remark this line out if your project is not open source license = "MIT" # Remark this line out when you publish to publish = false readme = "" # Remark this line out if your project is not in a code repository repository = ""
  12. Unremark the wee-alloc feature [features] # If you uncomment this line, it will enable `wee_alloc`: default = ["wee_alloc"]
  13. Remove or remark out the console_error_panic_hook section # [target."cfg(debug_assertions)".dependencies] # console_error_panic_hook = "0.1.5"
    • If you leave it in, you will get a warning message:
    warning: Found `debug_assertions` in `target.'cfg(...)'.dependencies`. This value is not supported for selecting dependencies and will not work as expected.
  14. Reinsert console_error_panic_hook at the beginning of the dependencies section
    • But do not include [target."cfg(debug_assertions)".dependencies]
    [dependencies] console_error_panic_hook = "0.1.5"
  15. Customize the file in your project root directory # Project Name - Project description ## Usage - cd project-name/ - npm run build - npm start ## History - Initial release: YYYY-MM-DD
  16. Make a rustfmt.toml in your project root directory # array_width = 1 # blank_lines_lower_bound = 1 chain_width = 80 fn_args_layout = "Vertical" # group_imports = "StdExternalCrate" hard_tabs = false # imports_layout = "HorizontalVertical" match_block_trailing_comma = true # max_width = 80 merge_derives = true newline_style = "Unix" remove_nested_parens = true reorder_imports = true reorder_modules = true single_line_if_else_max_width = 0 struct_lit_width = 0 struct_variant_width = 0 tab_spaces = 2 use_try_shorthand = true # version = "Two" # wrap_comments = true
  17. If your project is open source, make a LICENSE.txt file MIT License Copyright (c) [year] [copyright-holder-name] Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.
  18. Update the properties in the package.json file: { "name": "project-name", "version": "0.1.0", "author": "First Middle Last <>", "description": "[...]", "scripts": { [...] }, "devDependencies": { [...] } }
  19. Change the title in index.html <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> Project Name </title> </head> <body> <noscript> Enable JavaScript in your browser to view the content of this webpage. </noscript> <script src="./bootstrap.js"> </script> </body> </html>
  20. Test your code again npm start
  21. Commit your code changes and push the commit to your remote code repository
  22. Update your Cargo dependencies cargo add --dev futures@0.3.25 cargo add --dev js-sys@0.3.60 cargo add --dev wasm-bindgen-futures@0.4.33 cargo add --dev wasm-bindgen-test@0.3.33 cargo add console_error_panic_hook@0.1.7 cargo add wasm-bindgen@0.2.83 cargo add web-sys@0.3.60 cargo add wee_alloc@0.4.5 cargo update
  23. Test your code again npm start
  24. Commit your code changes and push the commit to your remote code repository
  25. Update your npm dependencies npm outdated npm update --save
  26. Test your code again npm start
  27. Commit your code changes and push the commit to your remote code repository


This section shows you how to run the automated tests.

  1. Follow the instructions in the previous section
  2. Remove or remark out the following test from tests/ // // This runs a unit test in the browser, and in addition it supports asynchronous Future APIs. // #[wasm_bindgen_test(async)] // fn async_test() -> impl Future<Item = (), Error = JsValue> { // // Creates a JavaScript Promise which will asynchronously resolve with the value 42. // let promise = js_sys::Promise::resolve(&JsValue::from(42)); // // Converts that Promise into a Future. // // The unit test will wait for the Future to resolve. // JsFuture::from(promise).map(|x| { // assert_eq!(x, 42); // }) // }
  3. Remove your unused imports
    • After doing so, you will only have the following imports remaining
    use wasm_bindgen_test::{wasm_bindgen_test, wasm_bindgen_test_configure};
  4. Replace the placeholder test assertions
    • This removes the warning "identical args used in this `assert_eq!` macro call"
    // assert_eq!(1, 1); assert_eq!(String::from("1"), String::from("1"));
  5. Add at least one browser option to the wasm-pack test command in package.json
    • This prevents an error message: "Error: Must specify at least one of [...]"
    { [...] "scripts": { [...] "test": "cargo test && wasm-pack test --firefox --headless" }, [...] }
  6. Use the npm run script "test" npm test
  7. Commit your code changes and push the commit to your remote code repository

Starter Code

This section provides additional "Hello, World!" starter code for working with the web-sys package to add content to a webpage.

  1. Follow the instructions in the previous sections
  2. Add a dependency cargo add js-sys
  3. Enable additional web-sys features in Cargo.toml [dependencies.web-sys] version = "0.3.60" features = [ "CanvasRenderingContext2d", "Document", "HtmlCanvasElement", "HtmlDivElement", "Window", "console", ]
  4. Replace the static/index.html file <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8"> <title> Project Name </title> </head> <body> <script src="index.js"> </script> <canvas height="25" id="canvas" width="100"> </canvas> <div id="div"> </div> </body> </html>
  5. Replace the src/ file use js_sys::Object; use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*; use wasm_bindgen::JsCast; use web_sys::console; use web_sys::window; use web_sys::CanvasRenderingContext2d; use web_sys::Document; use web_sys::Element; use web_sys::HtmlCanvasElement; use web_sys::HtmlDivElement; use wee_alloc::WeeAlloc; #[cfg(feature = "wee_alloc")] #[global_allocator] static ALLOC: WeeAlloc = WeeAlloc::INIT; #[wasm_bindgen(start)] pub fn main_js() -> Result<(), JsValue> { console_error_panic_hook::set_once(); let document: Document = window().unwrap().document().unwrap(); hello_canvas(&document); hello_console(); hello_div(&document); Ok(()) } fn hello_canvas(document: &Document) { let element: Element = document.get_element_by_id("canvas").unwrap(); let html_canvas_element: HtmlCanvasElement = element.dyn_into().unwrap(); let object: Object = html_canvas_element.get_context("2d").unwrap().unwrap(); let canvas_context: CanvasRenderingContext2d = object.dyn_into().unwrap(); canvas_context.set_font("normal 14px serif"); canvas_context.stroke_text("Hello, Canvas!", 0.0, 14.0).unwrap(); } fn hello_console() { console::log_1(&JsValue::from_str("Hello, Console!")); } fn hello_div(document: &Document) { let element: Element = document.get_element_by_id("div").unwrap(); let html_div_element: HtmlDivElement = element.dyn_into().unwrap(); html_div_element.insert_adjacent_text("afterbegin", "Hello, Div!").unwrap(); }
  6. Run your automated tests npm test
  7. Manually test the webpage npm start
    • In some browsers, you can press the F12 key to open the browser developer console
    • Including the browser developer console output, you should see the following:
  8. Commit your code changes and push the commit to your remote code repository


This section describes deployment of your application to a web server.

  1. Follow the instructions in the previous sections
  2. Run the npm run script "build"
    • This will make the deployment files in your distribution directory dist/
    npm run build
  3. Set the Node.js options environment variable export NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider npm run build
    • Using cross-env is an alternative to setting the environment variable at the command line
    npm i -D cross-env
    • Update your npm run script in package.json to use cross-env
    { [...] "scripts": { [...] "build": "rimraf dist pkg && cross-env NODE_OPTIONS=--openssl-legacy-provider webpack", [...] }, [...] }
  4. Upload the distribution directory files (dist/*) to your web server
  5. Test the uploaded webpage


In recommended reading order

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