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David Wallace Croft




  • Principal Rust AWS Cloud Application Developer / Architect
  • Available in 2024 September for positions located in Dallas, Detroit, or Miami



  • 2003 May - 2005 May
    M.Sc. Applied Cognition and Neuroscience
    Focus: Neuroprosthetics simulation in Java
    University of Texas at Dallas (UTD), Richardson, TX

  • 1993 Oct - 1995 Jun
    M.Sc. Electrical Engineering
    Focus: Computational Neuroscience, Neuromorphic VLSI
    California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA

  • 1986 Jul - 1990 Jun
    B.Sc. Electrical Engineering
    Focus: Computer Engineering, Digital Electronics, Neural Networks
    United States Air Force Academy (USAFA), Colorado Springs, CO


  • AI: Artificial Neural Networks, Business Rule Engine, Intelligent Software Agents
  • Angular: Electron, Firebase, Ionic, Material, NgRx, Scully, Visual Studio Code
  • AWS: Amplify, API Gateway, AppSync, Cognito, EC2, Lambda, Route 53, S3, SES, SNS
  • Database: Aurora, DynamoDB, JDBC, JPA, MongoDB, Oracle, PostgreSQL, RDS, SQL
  • DevOps: CFn, CI/CD, CodePipeline, Docker, Git, IaC, IAM, Jira, Scrum, SOA Governance
  • Graphics: COLLADA, Java 2D, Java 3D, Java OpenGL (JOGL), SVG, Xith3D
  • JavaScript: AG Grid, AJAX, jQuery, JSON, Node.js, npm, Promises, RxJS, TypeScript
  • Middleware: Apache, JBoss BPMS/BRMS/Drools/EAP/OpsNet, OpenShift, Tomcat
  • Rust: Cargo Lambda, Dioxus, Ferymon Spin, js-sys, serde-json, wasm-pack, web-sys
  • Simulation: Computational Neuroscience, Logistics, Spiking Neuronal Networks
  • Test: Cypress, HtmlUnit, Jasmine, JMeter, JUnit, Mockito, Protractor, Selenium
  • Web: CSS, HTML5, JWT/OAuth2/OIDC, PWA, WCAG, Web Components, WebAssembly
  • Web Services (WS): GraphQL, JAXB, JAXP, REST, SOAP, StAX, XML, XSD, XSLT

Online Portfolio

Professional Experience

  • 2024 Feb - Present
    Senior Java (AWS) Developer
    Prime Technical Services, Dallas, TX

    • Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency (DCSA) software development
    • AWS Glue, AWS SDK for Java, DynamoDB, Log4j, Mockito, PySpark, Spring Boot
  • 2021 Oct - 2023 Oct
    Principal Angular Developer
    Innova Solutions, Dallas, TX

    • Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) web application development
    • Angular, AWS, Git, Jasmine, Java, JUnit, Mockito, NgRx, RxJS, Spring, TypeScript
  • 2018 Aug - 2021 Oct
    Senior Full Stack Developer
    EXB Solutions, Dallas, TX

    • Developed cloud-based web applications supporting NASA space communications
    • Converted a Java-based application to Angular and AWS Cloud and provided updates
    • Created wiki pages detailing step-by-step solutions for development and maintenance
    • Wrote application design documentation emphasizing AWS cloud serverless solutions
    • Promoted adoption of the Agile Scrum Framework and DevOps development practices
    • Authored innovative technology proposals in response to federal solicitations
    • AWS: Amplify, API Gateway, AppSync, Cognito, DynamoDB, Lambda, RDS, S3
    • DevOps: CloudFormation, CodeBuild, CodeCommit, CodePipeline, Docker, IAM, Jira
    • Web: Angular, CSS, Cypress, Electron, GraphQL, HTML, NgRx, Node.js, TypeScript
  • 2015 Mar - 2018 Aug
    Senior Java Developer
    EXB Solutions, Dallas, TX

    • Development and support of high-traffic public-facing IRS web applications
    • Angular: CLI, Firebase, Flex-Layout, Material, RxJS, TypeScript, VS Code
    • Java: CDI, JBoss, JSF, Maven, Mockito, MockMvc, Spring MVC, Struts, Thymeleaf
    • JavaScript: AJAX, AngularJS, Grunt, Jasmine, jQuery, jQuery UI, JSON, UI Bootstrap
    • Web: Accessibility, Bootstrap, CSS, F12, HTML, SASS, TalkBack, VoiceOver
  • 2012 Jul - 2015 Mar
    Senior Consultant
    Red Hat, Dallas, TX

    • Java-based middleware consulting for multiple government and industry clients
    • Mentoring, installation, configuration, continuous delivery, tuning, security
    • Apache, JBoss BPMS/BRMS/Drools/EAP/EWS/OpsNet, Linux, OpenShift, Tomcat
    • Ant, Bash, Eclipse, Git, JBDS, Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, REST, VirtualBox, XSLT
  • 2011 Dec - 2012 Jul
    Senior Consultant
    CGI Federal, Dallas, TX

    • Requirements analysis, development, and testing of an IRS Java web application
    • 508, Bean Validation, CSS, JavaScript, JBoss, JSF, JSP, JSTL, JUnit, WS
  • 2011 Jun - 2011 Sep
    Senior Software Developer
    Keste LLC, Plano, TX

    • Credit card tokenization service integration for ADF-based website
    • ADF, JavaScript, JDeveloper, Servlet, SVN, UML, Web Services
  • 2010 Apr - 2011 Jun
    Senior Software Developer
    COMFORCE Information Technologies, Dallas, TX

    • Southwest Airlines / Technology / Enterprise Business Services
    • Updated Java services supporting gift card and travel voucher fulfillment
    • Ant, Bash, ClearCase, JAXB, JMS, JUnit, Linux, SOA, Solaris, XSD
  • 2010 Feb - 2010 Mar
    Director of Software Development
    Customer Care Inc., Austin, TX

    • AT&T Wi-Fi Services Next Generation Portal
    • Advocated adoption of Commercial Open Source Enterprise Portal
  • 2007 Aug - 2010 Feb
    Senior Systems Programmer / Analyst
    Collins Consulting / Cole Engineering / Signature Consultants, Garland, TX

    • Future Combat Systems Logistics Data Management Service Team IBM
    • Authored portlets for logistics simulation and rule-based ETL
    • Created state diagram generator/editor using Java 2D and Swing
    • Implemented JAX-WS Web Services based on client WSDLs for SOA
    • Installation of Oracle Portal and Oracle BI Discoverer portlets
    • Created Ant, Hudson, Ivy, Maven, and Nexus build/archive/install scripts
    • Authored requirements, design, release, and user documentation
    • Drools, Eclipse, Guvnor, Hibernate, JBoss Portal, Oracle RDBMS
    • Applet, EJB3, Hibernate, JAXB, JDBC, JPA, JSP, MDB, StAX, UML
  • 2007 Jan - 2007 Aug
    Research Engineer
    SET Corporation, Arlington, VA

    • Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Advanced Ground Control Station
    • 3D OpenGL graphics, GUI, video, and peer network programming
    • UDP discovery and integrated non-blocking I/O HTTP server
    • Eclipse, HTTP, JAXB, JBoss, JMF, JOGL, NIO, Swing, UDP, XML
  • 2006 Oct - 2006 Dec
    Contract Software Developer
    Terasem Movement Inc., Melbourne Beach, FL

    • CyBeRev Chatbot Development
    • Enabled website with customizable A.I. chatbots
    • Created Java Swing HTTP chat client for Program D server
    • AIML, ALICE, HTTP, Java, JBoss, Program D, Swing
  • 2004 May - 2006 Oct
    Software Developer
    Whoola Inc., Richardson, TX

    • Peer-to-Peer Virtual Reality Learning Environments research grant
    • Lead Developer and primary author of research status reports
    • Software architecture and network and graphics programming
    • Oversight and integration of work of junior programmers
    • Authored and maintained project websites and documentation
    • Wrote one of the first 3D graphics COLLADA loaders for Java
    • Wrote a 3D web browser with fly-through hyperlinks
    • COLLADA, Java 3D, JAXB, JNLP, JOGL, OpenGL, Xith, XSLT
  • 2005 May - 2005 Aug
    Lecturer I
    U.T. Dallas, Richardson, TX

    • Statistics for Psychology course
    • Lectured and prepared exams
  • 2004 Jan - 2004 May
    Teaching Assistant
    University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

    • Research Design and Analysis course
    • Graded homework and proctored exams
  • 2003 Sep - 2003 Dec
    Contract Java Developer
    Hofheinz & Associates, Dallas, TX

    • Updated credit card-enabled e-commerce website
    • Technologies used included MySQL and Tomcat
  • 2003 Jan - 2003 Dec
    Lecturer I
    University of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX

    • Taught Java game programming in the Spring and Fall
    • Authored course content and the book "Advanced Java Game Programming"
  • 2002 Aug - 2002 Oct
    Contract Java Developer
    Whoola Inc., Farmers Branch, TX

    • Server-side database programming with XML data feeds
    • iPlanet, JAXP, JBoss, JDBC, Oracle, SQL, XML
  • 2002 Apr - 2002 Jul
    Senior Software Architect
    SensorLogic Inc., Dallas, TX

    • Designed networked device architecture based on Web Services
  • 2002 Apr
    Contract Java Developer
    Mobile Minerva, Plano, TX

    • Developed Java web application using JAXB, JAXP, XHTML, and XSLT
  • 2001 Feb - 2001 Jun
    Contract Java Developer
    Whoola Inc., Farmers Branch, TX

    • Developed Java 1.1 applet GUI with HTTP applet-to-servlet communication
    • Implemented JDBC database back-end with automated XML data refresh
    • Designed architecture for scalable multi-user networking using JMS
    • Introduced software management tools: Ant, CVS, and Javadoc
  • 1999 Jul - 2000 Dec
    Senior Software Architect (2000) / Senior Software Engineer (1999)
    Isadra, Inc. and Vertical Net Inc., Palo Alto, CA

    • Refactored a prototype business-to-business (B2B) distributed e-commerce hub
    • Created utility to generate Java from XML DTDs (pre-JAXB)
    • Prototyped fuzzy logic multiple supplier aggregated product catalog
    • Prototyped business process management server (BPMS) integration
    • Evangelized reusable libraries and requirements/design documentation
    • Authored software development standards and processes
    • Drafted requirements to integrate acquired systems using ebXML
    • Researched market-oriented programming for dynamic supply chain generation
    • Active in e-commerce XML standards organizations ebXML and BPMI
  • 1999 Oct
    Contract Java Developer
    The OMT Group

    • Improved timing performance of Java audio generation code
  • 1999 Sep
    Contract Java Developer
    Casco Indemnity Company

    • Debugged and fixed server-side threaded network Java code
  • 1999 Jun - 1999 Jul
    Senior Software Engineer
    Cybergold Inc., Oakland, CA

    • E-mail enabled online Java game
    • Recommended and evaluated COTS direct mass e-mailer software
  • 1997 May - 1999 Jun
    Senior Intelligent Systems Engineer / Technical Lead
    Analytic Services Inc. (ANSER), Fairmont, WV

    • Design and development of Internet software agents and bots
    • Training, coordination, and tasking of Java subcontractors
    • Participated in grant proposals and client demonstrations
  • 1998 May - 1998 Oct
    Contract Java Developer
    Enslin Enterprises Inc.

    • Development of multi-player Internet role-playing software
    • Trigonometric calculations for field of vision and tracking
    • Creation of a custom resource updater for persistent caching
  • 1997 Mar - 1997 Apr
    Contract Java Developer
    Livesay Technologies Inc., Simi Valley, CA

    • Contract development of Java-based distributed mobile agent software
    • Code/data push, networking, GUI, and dynamic class loading security
  • 1996 Sep - 1997 Mar
    Contract Java Developer / Lead Developer Game Engine
    Adventure Online Gaming Inc., Pasadena, CA

    • Developed multi-player role-playing and strategic gaming software
    • Developed prototype Java GUI with fast flicker-free graphics
  • 1995 Jun - 1996 Jul
    Systems Engineer
    Tanner Research Inc., Pasadena, CA

    • Developed software for Neural Network Silicon Compiler project
    • Design of CMOS VLSI Digital Neural Network Architecture circuitry
    • Authored Fuzzy Logic Silicon Compiler research proposal
    • Lab testing of analog/digital VLSI for speech and neural networks
  • 1990 Jun - 1993 Oct
    Computer Systems Engineer / First Lieutenant
    Data Management, B-2 CTF, 31st TES, U.S. Air Force, Edwards AFB, CA

    • Developed data analysis software with interface in Ada
    • Included interrupt-triggered prioritized tasking for serial I/O
    • Clipper programming language for dBase III database programming
    • Organized week-long course in Ada for 20 co-workers
    • VMS and Ultrix (DEC Unix) Computer Systems Manager
    • Novell Working Group Manager
    • Promoted to Captain in the Inactive Ready Reserve after active duty
  • 1989 Summer
    Summer Research Intern / Cadet
    Radar Test Facility, 4484 Test Squadron, U.S. Air Force, Tyndall AFB, FL

    • Translated data switching control software to Turbo Pascal

Personal and Academic Experience

Patents and Publications



  • Member, Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)
  • 2023 Organizer, Dallas Rust User Meetup (DRUM)
  • 2012 Organizer, Dallas JBoss User Group (JBUG)
  • 2010 Historian, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
  • 2009 Historian, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
  • 2008 President, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
  • 2006 Webmaster, Metroplex Institute for Neural Dynamics
  • 2006 Vice President, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
  • 2004 Secretary, Dallas Area Neuroscience Group
  • 2004 Representative, Graduate Student Council, UT Dallas
  • 2004 Senator, Student Government Association, UT Dallas
  • 2000 President, Silicon Valley Java Users Group (SVJUG)
  • 1999 President, Game Developers Java Users Group (GameJUG)
  • 1997 President, Mountaineer Java Users Group (MtJUG), WV
  • 1997 Secretary, Student IEEE Computer Society, WVU
  • 1989 President, Student IEEE, USAFA

Academic Honors

  • 1993 Virginia Steele Scott Fellowship, Caltech
  • 1990 Graduated with Academic Distinction, Top 5%, USAFA
  • 1990 Dean's Honor List, all 8 semesters, USAFA
  • 1989 Scored perfect 800 on quantitative section of GRE


  • Doctoral Studies, Cognition and Neuroscience, University of Texas at Dallas (2005 - 2012)

    • Anatomy and Human Physiology for Engineers
    • Neuroscience of Interface NeuroEngineering
    • Research in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (multiple semesters)
  • Johns Hopkins University (2007)

    • Organic Chemistry
  • M.Sc. Applied Cognition and Neuroscience, University of Texas at Dallas (2003 - 2005)

    • Cellular Neuroscience
    • Computational Neuroscience
    • Developmental Neurobiology
    • Grant Writing for Researchers
    • Integrative Neuroscience
    • Issues in Behavioral and Brain Sciences (2 semesters)
    • Neural Net Mathematics
    • Neural Plasticity and Behavior Seminar
    • Research Internship (2 semesters)
    • Research Methods II
  • M.B.A. Graduate Courses, University of Dallas (2001)

    • Accounting for Business Decisions
    • Entrepreneurship
    • Financial Management
  • Computer Science Graduate Courses, West Virginia University (1997 - 1999)

    • Artificial Intelligence, Introduction to
    • Compiler Construction
    • Computer Graphics, Introduction to
    • Design Patterns
    • Global Knowledge Networks
    • Patent Law (audit)
  • M.Sc. Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology (1993 - 1995)

    • Analog Integrated Circuit Design (neuromorphic, 3 quarters)
    • Analog Integrated Circuit Laboratory (3 quarters)
    • Cellular and Systems Neuroscience, Topics in
    • Cellular Neurobiology Laboratory
    • Collective Computation
    • Computational and Neural Systems, Introduction to
    • Computational and Neural Systems, Research in (4 quarters)
    • Computational and Neural Systems, Special Topics in
    • Computational Neuroscience
    • Engineering Seminar
    • Finance, Introduction to
    • Mathematical Programming and Game Theory
    • Music and Science, Projects in
    • Neurobiology
    • Pattern Recognition
    • Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
    • Stochastic Processes
    • Vision: Computational Theory and Neural Mechanisms
  • Electrical Engineering Graduate Courses, California State University, Northridge (1991)

    • Diagnostics and Design of Digital Systems
    • Engineering Statistics
    • Multiprocessor Design
    • Software Engineering with Ada
  • B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, United States Air Force Academy (1986 - 1990)

    • Electrical Engineering
      • Circuits and Systems I
      • Laboratory Techniques I
      • Introduction to Digital Systems
      • Electronics I
      • Circuits and Systems II
      • Electronics II
      • Signals and Linear Systems
      • Lab Techniques II
      • Digital Systems Design
      • Electromagnetics
      • Advanced Microprocessor Design
      • Laboratory Techniques III
      • Computer Engineering
      • Communications Systems
      • Data Communications
      • Numerical Methods
      • Design: Networks
      • Digital Communications
      • Design: Neural Nets
      • Design: Computer Interface
    • Supporting Sciences
      • Principles of Chemistry
      • Introduction to Computer Science
      • Calculus III
      • Differential Equations and Matrices
      • Fundamentals of Mechanics
      • General Physics I
      • Engineering Math
      • General Physics II
      • Air Base Design and Performance
      • Energy Systems
      • Introduction to Astrodynamics
      • Probability and Statistics
      • Engineering Systems Design
      • Fundamentals of Aerodynamics
      • Introduction to Biology with Lab
    • Humanities
      • Language and Expression I
      • Modern World History (Honors)
      • Language and Expression II (Honors)
      • Introduction to Military History (Honors)
      • Ancient, Medieval, and Early Modern Warfare
      • Ethics
      • Masterpieces of World Literature
      • Introduction to the Visual Arts
    • Social Sciences
      • General Psychology
      • Professional Military Studies
      • Introduction to Management
      • Politics and American Government
      • Principles of Microeconomics (Honors)
      • International Politics and National Security (Honors)
      • The American Legal System
      • Law for Commanders
  • Undergraduate Courses, Cisco Junior College

    • Two evening courses in basic electronics during high school

Certificates of Training

  • 2013 JBoss Application Administration I, Red Hat JB248
  • 2011 Oracle Fusion Middleware 11g: Build Applications with ADF I
  • 2001 STARTech Foundation Entrepreneurial Workshops (12 sessions)
  • 2000 HP Changengine Essentials Training
  • 1998 Introduction to the Capability Maturity Model (CMM)
  • 199? Sun Software Developer Camp: Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
  • 1996 Neuromorphic Engineering Workshop, Third Annual (3 weeks)
  • 199? Introduction to Oracle
  • 1993 GEMBASE End User Course, Ross Systems
  • 199? Flight Test Engineering Short Course, National Test Pilot School
  • 1991 Introduction to Acquisition Management, Air University, A.F.I.T.
  • 1990 Lieutenant's Professional Development Program, U.S.A.F.
  • 1990 Ultrix Utilities and Commands V4, DEC
  • 1990 Ultrix System Management V4, DEC
  • 1990 VMS Utilities and Commands I V5, Digital Equipment Corp. (DEC)
  • 1990 VMS System Management I V5, DEC
  • 1990 VMS System Performance Management V5, DEC
  • 1990 VAX/VMS System Architecture, DEC
  • 1987 Basic Combat Survival Training Course, U.S.A.F.A.
  • 1987 Basic Free Fall Parachuting, U.S.A.F.A.
  • 1987 Water Survival, Non-Parachute Course, U.S.A.F.A.

Professional Conferences

  • 2012 Corticostriatal Circuits in Neuropsychiatric Disorders (UTD)
  • 2008 October Rules Fest
  • 2006 Goal-Directed Neural Systems
  • 2006 Austin Game Conference
  • 2006 Neuroengineering Now (UTD)
  • 2005 Society for Neuroscience
  • 2005 Brain, Mind, & Consciousness
  • 2005 Game Developers Conference
  • 2004 Computer Game Conference (UTD)
  • 2004 Austin Game Conference
  • 2004 JavaOne
  • 2000 Foresight Institute Fall Senior Associate Gathering
  • 2000 ebXML TR&P Meeting Dallas
  • 2000 ebXML Meeting San Jose
  • 2000 JavaOne
  • 2000 Electronic Entertainment Exposition (E3)
  • 2000 Game Developers Conference
  • 1999 XML One Fall
  • 1998 JavaOne
  • 1996 NSF Workshop on Neuromorphic Engineering

Medals and Ribbons

  • Air Force Commendation Medal
  • Air Force Outstanding Unit Award
  • National Defense Service Medal
  • Air Force Longevity Service Award Ribbon
  • Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Ribbon
  • Air Force Training Ribbon