Uses of Interface

Packages that use Clock
com.croftsoft.core.animation.clock Clock implementations for Swing-based animation. 
com.croftsoft.core.animation.updater ComponentUpdater implementations for Swing-based animation. 
com.croftsoft.core.util.loop Threaded loop library for animation and simulation. 

Uses of Clock in com.croftsoft.core.animation.clock

Classes in com.croftsoft.core.animation.clock that implement Clock
 class HiResClock
          A Clock with higher resolution than the system clock.
 class SystemClock
          Uses the system clock to provide the current time in nanoseconds.

Constructors in com.croftsoft.core.animation.clock with parameters of type Clock
Timekeeper(Clock clock, double timeFactor)

Uses of Clock in com.croftsoft.core.animation.updater

Constructors in com.croftsoft.core.animation.updater with parameters of type Clock
BounceUpdater(Sprite sprite, Rectangle bounds, Clock clock)
IconSequenceUpdater(IconSprite iconSprite, Icon[] icons, long framePeriodNanos, Clock clock)

Uses of Clock in com.croftsoft.core.util.loop

Constructors in com.croftsoft.core.util.loop with parameters of type Clock
SamplerLoopGovernor(double frequency, Clock clock)
SamplerLoopGovernor(double frequency, long samplePeriodNanos, long averagingSamplesMax, Clock clock)
          Constructs a LoopGovernor with the specified target frequency.

CroftSoft Javadoc

CroftSoft Core Javadoc (2008-09-28 20:58:02)